Learning Institutions that admit Foreign National Students and /or require employing Foreign National Workers have a Statutory duty to make sure both the Students and the Employees obtain the relevant Student Passes or Work Permit Dependents.
The Statutory duty is bestored on the Principal or the person in charge of the Learning Institution.
All Learning Institutions and the person in charge of a Learning Institution are required by law to adhere to the Immigration Laws when admitting students at their Institutions. The Principal is required to make sure that prior to admitting the Students, they are in the Country Legally, their Status must also authorize them to be admitted at the Institution.
In addition, the Principal must make sure that the Students are not in a different category than that authorizing them to be in Kenya.
Any person allowing the student to be in the Institution without the relevant Student Pass will be deemed to have committed an offence.
If convicted of the offence, the person will be liable to a ne not exceeding Ksh 500,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or both.